Breakthrough Missions Singapore History (1983)
In July 1983, a group of former addicts, driven by the love and conviction of their new found faith, set up Breakthrough Missions to share the Gospel and aid others in breaking free of their bondage too drugs. Since then, the non-profit Gospel-based ministry has come a long way.
Rooted on the scripture of John 8:36: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.“, Breakthrough’s vision is focused on the hope and redemption that is all possible by God’s grace for those whose lives are plagued by crime and drugs and are “condemned” by the society and even their families.
In line with its vision, Breakthrough’s mission is to reciprocate the love of God and to bring His love and salvation to sinners. To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that drug addicts may know clearly that it is only through their faith in the power of Jesus Christ that they may be freed from the bondage of drugs.
By His faithful guidance, God has provided Breakthrough with an established management and pastoral team with a well-equipped premise for 70 residents at 24 Yew Siang Road. Breakthrough Missions’ 3 years residential rehabilitation programme is free of charge and residents undergo a time-tested 7-stage process to help them rediscover the true meaning of life.
At Breakthrough Missions, residents learn new skills and work ethics through our social enterprise projects; attain spiritual growth through Bible study, worship, prayer and cell group fellowship and regain confidence through acceptance and support from the big family of the Church.
The decades of struggles and sacrifices made by the leaders and staff of Breakthrough for the kingdom of God can never be more rewarding than to witness the countless lives that have been transformed. Families and careers were established and family members received salvation. To His glory, many have also dedicated their lives as full-time servants for the Lord. God has also blessed us exceedingly with our ministry work in Indonesia, China and the region. “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.” (Psalm 126:5).
Going forward, Breakthrough Missions will be steadfast in its calling and continue to work diligently for God’s glory and honor. We ask for all brothers and sisters in Christ to remember us in your prayers and to take up the Mission of Love, especially to care for those trapped in darkness, sorrow and despair.
For all who have labour with us in any ways, we give praise and thank our Heavenly Father for you. Amen.
24 Yew Siang Road
Singapore 117758
P.O. Box 0380, PSA Building,
Singapore 911143
65-6479 7734
65-6473 2970